Chinese energetics

Chinese energetics has been practiced for over three thousand years. It is commonly known as Traditional Chinese Energetics and is practised in mainland China and most Western countries.

Few people know that despite being called traditional, Traditional Chinese Energetics is in fact less than hundred years old! Created in communist China, it represents a simplification of the vast body of Classical Chinese Energetics.

Over the years, I have explored Classical Chinese Energetics, learning from the students of Daoist master Jeffrey Yuen: Ann Cecil-StermanAndrew Sterman, Hung Tran and Sean Tuten.


Chinese energetics does not look at medical labels – it looks at the whole person!

  • Stress, anxiety and insomnia: balancing the body and mind.
  • Digestive health: weight loss / diarrhoea / constipation / bloating / IBS / reflux / nausea.
  • Pain relief: muscle and joint pain / sciatica / headaches / migraines / fibromyalgia.
  • Fertility: regulating the menstrual cycle / amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea / supporting couples to conceive naturally / IVF.
  • Respiratory complaints: asthma / hay fever / sinusitis.

Contact me for a free 15 minute consultation to find out how Chinese energetics could help you.


Acupressure: acupressure and acupuncture manipulate the flow of Qi in the various pathways that run through the body. Stimulating acupoints activates a number of biochemical processes that are conducive to healing, such as increased blood flow to muscles and organs, the release of endorphins or the removal of metabolic waste products. Acupressure and acupuncture help resolve blockages and restore balance, resulting in a greater sense of wellbeing.

Moxibustion, cupping and gua sha: These techniques can be used on their own, or as a complement to acupressure. Moxibustion involves the burning of the herb mugwort (artemisia) and has a deeply warming, nourishing, grounding and relaxing effect. Cupping and gua sha are used to release muscle tension, stimulate blood flow and to disperse cold or heat trapped in the body.

Dietary advice: Eating foods appropriate to both our constitution and the seasons is the single most important action we can take to keep healthy. Eating the right foods and preparing them in the correct way can avert disease and relieve symptoms, including high blood pressure, diabetes, migraines, mood swings and skin disorders. I regularly offer practical dietary advice to my clients so that they can take responsibility for improving their health.