Why we feel more irritable in Spring
Spring is the season of change: flowers sprout from the frozen ground, trees grow flowers, tiny buds explode into leaves within days, grey Winter gives way to the green and colourful landscape of Spring. Everything changes day by day, moment by moment. The powerful forces that disrupt nature at this time of the year can also upset us humans. This is why people can feel irritable at this time of the year, without apparent reason. Find out more.
Treating tension headache with acupuncture
Tension headache is the most common form of headache and affects up to 80 percent of people at some point in their life. It is a common cause of occupational absence and has a substantial economic impact; a longitudinal study revealed a 10 percent increase in the occurrence of tension-type headaches between 1989 and 2001. Read the summary of my article published in The Journal of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture here.